Thank you letters!!!


When I thought of sending thank you letters, the first thing that came to my mind was where in heavens name am I going to start from. And to be  honest every single person that I have come across this 2016 has made my year.

So this post has been grouped into various categories, each one them showing a particular group of people and how they have made my year a fabulous one. Whichever category you fall into has not made you any less important and I would love for you to know that I appreciate you…Enjoy!!!

My Family

Honestly, I don’t know where to start from because you didn’t just start putting smiles on my face, it started a long time ago. I am particularly grateful for my parents, their constant support and encouragement has been my backbone all this while. And my two adorable siblings, I love you so much and no matter how much you annoy me you would always have a special spot in my heart.God bless you.

My Friends

My main Gs. If I had to list every single person in this category, I might not make it in time for the cross-over service this evening…laughs*…so I won’t. But I want you to know that you all have been my little ray of sunshine. Am not just talking about friends that go way back, but am talking about those people who have made up their minds to be a friend despite my flaws. God bless you all real good.


I couldn’t have asked for a better community of people who love God and are fully committed to pleasing Him. Every moment that I have spent with you all has been an absolutely amazing one, God bless you.

The NG Magazine

It has been an amazing year with you guys. Even though it hasn’t been a long time, I am very grateful to have know you all. Every moment shared has been an eye-opening experience for me and I have learnt so much with you guys than I could have possibly learnt on my own. Most importantly I would love to thank  TOLULOPE SABA, for being an amazing boss and for showing me the very importance of team work. Your advise and encouragement has helped Titideyeri to be what it is today, God bless you.


 POL 18

There are 7 days in a week, and you have never ceased to annoy me every six of them… I love you still. You have shown me the true meaning of being a course-mate. I really do hope for an amazing 300 level for every single one of us. It has been a bitter-sweet experience, but I hope to share better memories with you all in 2017.

Victor (web-designer)

If I got a Naira every single time I had mentioned your name this year, I might have to compete with Dangote on being the richest… you have not only been a good course-mate but you have been an amazing friend. You patience has helped me put this blog together. I really appreciate you and God bless you.

Internet Friends

This category is for  everyone of my followers on instagram, twitter, friends on facebook and whatsapp. I once had this picture that says “God bless my internet friends”, I was going to paste it alongside this post but I can’t find it!!! Honestly God bless you all. And those random posts on instagram that has put a smile on my face…laughs* really you guys have been great, love you all and I really do hope to share even better memories with you all.



Forgive me, really this hasn’t made you any less important. I really do appreciate you and God bless you.

So, there you have it. My Thank You Letters for making my 2016 an amazing and memorable one. I hope to share even better memories with you all in 2017…God bless you and see you in 2017!!!




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